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Secrets to Better Social Media Marketing

Hi, I'm AI Andy and I'm for Cup O Content to talk about the Secrets to better social media marketing.


It’s a full-time job to keep up with the policy changes in social media platforms and advertising. Constant changes in algorithms and policies can mean that the media tactics that once produced outstanding results now fall flat. The rules are constantly changing, but if you want to make social media work for your business, you should know a few secrets.

The first secret is that simply posting on social media is not enough. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have created algorithms that push your business content to the bottom of social feeds, even if those people have followed your business page. In fact, some research reports that only about 2% of your page’s followers will ever see your posts.


The second secret it that Companies Don’t have to Spend Very Much to Get Results with Social Media Ads. Because social media has such a high engagement level, combined with exceptional targeting tools, it's possible to reach your best customers for very little money. In fact, for a few hundred dollars, you can reach thousands of your best customers within ten miles of your business.

The third secret is that you Can Send Social Media Ads to Your Email List. Most social media advertising platforms allow you to upload your email list and send ads to them. That means you can focus your advertising spending on your best prospects.


And bonus tip: Many social media platforms allow you to upload your email list or your customer list, and they’ll create a similar list of people with the same behaviors and characteristics, sometimes called a lookalike audience. They are basically replicating your list and making it much more extensive. It's like expanding your email list ten-fold.

So What Does this mean for you? Social media can be effective and affordable, but it's a complex tool that works best when you know all the challenges and opportunities. Whether you want to try out a single ad or dig into an entire content marketing program, Cup O Content is your one-stop shop. Contact us today for a free analysis, and let us show you how we can caffeinate your content marketing.




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