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5 Ways We Make Ads Better

Your company has a lot of advantages over an agency. First and foremost, no one knows your product better. You're also familiar with your customers and your market, and you probably know the most appealing features and benefits of your products or services.


When it comes to advertising, many businesses believe that their in-house insights, combined with years of hands-on experience, make them as qualified (maybe more qualified) than any digital agency ever could be. These firms believe that placing their own social media ads will help them maintain control over their campaigns, avoid fees, and ultimately get a better return on investment (ROI).


While this can sometimes be true, more often, companies underestimate the strategic, analytical, and creative expertise that an experienced agency like Cup O Content brings to the table. A good digital marketing agency can apply a more nuanced knowledge of advertising trends, data analysis, and the technical intricacies that can make or break an ad campaign's success.


If your organization is considering placing its own social media ads, here are five reasons to reconsider.


Reason 1: Better Target Audience Refinement

Digital agencies like Cup O Content have access to advanced audience segmentation tools that help clients move beyond demographic information. We can define audiences based on age, interests, behaviors, and location. We can also help clients identify and target niche subsets they might overlook, optimizing the effectiveness of the ad spend.


The size of the audience also matters. We narrow or expand audiences as needed to ensure the best ad ROI. Finding the right sized audience helps us create a finely tuned campaign with higher relevant engagement and conversions.


Because we place ads on multiple platforms every day, we're tuned into what's working and what's not. In addition to staying updated on the latest trends and algorithm changes, we also apply our experiences and successes from other clients, which means we do the learning for you.


Reason 2: A/B Testing

Conducting A/B testing on different ad elements such as headlines, images, calls-to-action, and ad formats is almost always a good idea, but knowing what to test, how long to test, when to switch, and what connotes an acceptable sample size is not as straightforward.


Understanding how to set up tests, how to monitor, and how to analyze is the difference between effective optimization and spinning your wheels. We analyze the performance of ad variations and provide data-driven recommendations that allow us to optimize your campaign for better results.


Reason 3: Effect Visuals and Text

Ad agencies have been valued for their creative ability for decades. While high-concept storytelling and big-budget content creation are often out of place on social media, creativity and messaging are still critical. Your digital marketing team must understand what messages and images work best on social media platforms.


Use a digital marketing firm like Cup O Content to create ads that grab attention and resonate with your audience. Online, your ad space is severely limited, and attention spans are frustratingly brief. Make sure you hire an agency that understands all the limitations and opportunities of digital.


Reason 4: Better Mobile Experience

A lot of social media traffic comes from mobile devices. Customers browse, shop, and engage with content on their smartphones, and that experience is very different from a desktop format.


Unfortunately, most agencies show clients desktop ads that aren't optimized for mobile. At Cup O Content, we show how ads appear on smaller screens so our clients can accurately assess visual appeal and readability.


Ensuring that ads are tailored for mobile users not only meets the audience where they are but also leverages the full potential of social media platforms. It's a vital strategy for businesses looking to maximize their advertising impact.


Reason 5: Accountability

As your digital marketing agency, we have one job: create highly effective marketing. If a digital marketing agency doesn't perform, it's easy to get rid of them. Agencies must be held accountable for their commitment to you.


With this in mind, one of Cup O Content's core values is "ABO"—Always Be Optimizing. We continuously monitor every ad campaign’s performance, looking for opportunities to make real-time adjustments. It's not enough to be "good." We must continually improve.


By tweaking things like targeting parameters, ad platforms, or even ad creative, our team works to boost performance over time and exceed KPIs.


In addition to real-time optimizations, we create formal monthly reports explaining what's working and what needs help. We avoid lingo and try to explain all results in plain English. And we continually recommend altering or exploring ways to improve your return on ad spend (ROAS).


Want to Learn More?

Cup O Content offers years of successful digital ad creation and placement priced for small business. If you want to find out how we can help your organization grow, contact us today for a free consultation. We're here to help.



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